

Empowered employees bring their best selves to work

According to Chandra Prakash, Director – HR, Biz2Credit Info Services, it is important to ensure all groups of employees feel empowered and engaged to bring their best selves to work every day, and this philosophy has enabled the company in creating an inclusive workplace.

An organisation is a place where people come together to work towards a common goal and make their way up the success ladder. The world out from the window pane is diverse. It is important for employers to be inclusive of everyone – making it a smaller and safer place for all.

According to Chandra Prakash, Director – HR, Biz2Credit Info Services, a diverse and inclusive workplace not only leads to an engaged workforce, it also makes strong business sense by ensuring diverse points of view are involved during the decision-making process.

As an equal opportunity employer, creating an inclusive workplace should be embedded in the value system and stated policies, said Prakash.

He further said, “Discrimination on parameters like caste, creed, religion, gender, etc in any of the talent processes – be it during hiring, salary increases, promotion or providing growth opportunities should be avoided.”

Prakash said, “To ensure equal opportunities for all, bringing diversity alone is not enough. Organisations should also make continuous and conscious efforts to stay inclusive.”

Talking about Biz2Credit, he said, “We listen to all our employee issues seriously and provide them with balanced solutions.”

According to Prakash, the organisation has supported individual career aspirations of all its employees and has enabled them to take on higher level responsibilities, even at a young age.

Biz2Credit is making conscious efforts at bringing more gender-diverse candidates into the hiring pipeline to improve its representation, especially at senior levels, he added.

Prakash mentioned as an organisation, it is important to ensure all groups of employees feel empowered and engaged to bring their best selves to work every day, and this philosophy has enabled the company in creating an inclusive workplace.

According to Prakash, Biz2Credit during the pandemic took innovative steps and was focused on improving the overall candidate experience by using technology effectively and making the recruitment process seamless and enjoyable for the candidates.

He mentioned putting in place an automated recruitment process via an HRMS portal in order to bring in more efficiency and using technology to screen, select and onboard candidates.

Talking about the organisation’s workforce, Prakash said, “It is made of young, dynamic talent who are passionate about creating great products, which is a strong EVP to attract the best of young talent in Technology as well as Sales and Marketing.”

“We believe in offering comparable or better-than-market employee benefits to attract and retain the best talent,” Prakash said.

Continuing its growth throughout the pandemic, the organisation moved to a seamless work from home arrangement without any disruption to any of the customer service, or delivery schedules.

Prakash further mentioned the organisation upgraded its ‘medical benefit plan’ for all its employees and created a team of volunteers who acted as a ‘Covid Command Centre’ reaching out to all the impacted employees on a daily basis, and helping them with most up-to-date information on required services.

The organisation announced reimbursement of vaccination costs for all its employees and a bonus for all the employees earlier this year, to recognize their dedication and hard work during such difficult times, Prakash said.

“In addition, we introduced a weekend-working incentive to recognize those who were dedicating their personal time to meet business objectives,” he added.

Future hiring plans

Biz2Credit hired young talent to ramp up on cutting-edge technologies like Data Science, DevOps, and Cloud-based technologies, Prakash mentioned.

“We have hired both freshers and experienced laterals from the industry in equal ratio,” Prakash said.

He mentioned the organisation has also increased its presence at top tier engineering colleges for campus hires and improved hiring funnel.

“We continue to use employee referral and other social media platforms to attract and retain talent,” Prakash said.

He also mentioned hiring a significant number of candidates from training institutes like Larned, AttainU, among others bringing in the required technical skills.

“In the coming financial year, we forecast to grow our workforce by 40 per cent and ramp-up our product development team,” Prakash said. “Our future hiring will be well-positioned to meet the business demands.”